Friday, August 15, 2008

Music I Love - "Je t'aime, au revoir"

It must be tough for a musician being a "one-hit wonder". Y'know, having that massively popular song and then being identified with it for the rest of your career. More often than not, that one song isn't representative of the rest of an artist's oeuvre, which is definitely the case with Thomas Dolby.

Yeah, everyone knows that dippy 80's hit "She Blinded Me With Science", but it's totally out of place with the rest of his catalog, as evidenced by the song below. "I Love You Goodbye" (below) is fantastic. The lyrics are about some (mis)adventures in New Orleans that are so unusual that it simply must be a true story. More intriguing is the instrumentation, and I particularly love the long opening which features Cajun fiddle, and if you listen closely, a bit of banjo. If nothing else, listen to the first minute or so.

The chorus is sad: "Some words are sad to say / some leave me tongue tied / but the hardest words I know / are I love you, goodbye".

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Stuff? Nonsense?

I wasn't originally certain that I would maintain a blog. The majority of information about my wedding video services could be found on my website, so what could I possibly write on a blog? Ultimately I decided that I would simply write and post about what interests me. Music will certainly play a big part in that. Otherwise, I hope you'll forgive me if this ends up being thematically all over the map! Oh, and FYI, "Stuff and Nonsense" is the name of a song by an excellent band called Split Enz.