Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Music I Love - Bleu

Ok, so most of what I listen to is in the "alternative" category, whatever that means. How can music be "alternative", anyway? But I digress ...

I am still a sucker for massive ballads, like the tune below from a guy named Bleu. Stylistically he's capable of anything, but this song from his upcoming new cd is a great, sweeping ballad that I really like. Really melodic and ... well ... melancholy.

The song is called "Go", and I hope you like.

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Stuff? Nonsense?

I wasn't originally certain that I would maintain a blog. The majority of information about my wedding video services could be found on my website, so what could I possibly write on a blog? Ultimately I decided that I would simply write and post about what interests me. Music will certainly play a big part in that. Otherwise, I hope you'll forgive me if this ends up being thematically all over the map! Oh, and FYI, "Stuff and Nonsense" is the name of a song by an excellent band called Split Enz.