Sunday, April 27, 2008

Music I Love -- Amy Winehouse

I think it's really unfortunate that Amy Winehouse is known more for her tabloid exploits than for her really terrific music. I always try to consider the art separate from the artist. Yeah, she seems to be quite a mess, but take a listen to this excellent track from her current CD "Back To Black". This is music that is alive and vibrant, current while still undeniably having one foot in the soul music of the 60's.

This song is "Tears Dry On Their Own".

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Stuff? Nonsense?

I wasn't originally certain that I would maintain a blog. The majority of information about my wedding video services could be found on my website, so what could I possibly write on a blog? Ultimately I decided that I would simply write and post about what interests me. Music will certainly play a big part in that. Otherwise, I hope you'll forgive me if this ends up being thematically all over the map! Oh, and FYI, "Stuff and Nonsense" is the name of a song by an excellent band called Split Enz.