Friday, February 1, 2008

Mark Pennington and Joi Perkins

Mark Pennington is a picture-taker in the Jacksonville area. I'm not particularly fond of him, but I do really like his girlfriend Joi (I'm kidding -- Mark is a great friend and a heckuva' photographer). Recently shot a wedding with them in Ponte Vedre, and while shooting some fun stuff on the beach with the bride and groom, Joi took a tumble over a sand dune. I gallantly grabbed her by the arm, and, let's just admit it, I probably saved her life. Mark snapped these photos to commemorate Joi's balletic grace as well as my chivalrous gesture.

By the way, Mark and Joi are responsible for my head shots on my website too. Thanks!

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Stuff? Nonsense?

I wasn't originally certain that I would maintain a blog. The majority of information about my wedding video services could be found on my website, so what could I possibly write on a blog? Ultimately I decided that I would simply write and post about what interests me. Music will certainly play a big part in that. Otherwise, I hope you'll forgive me if this ends up being thematically all over the map! Oh, and FYI, "Stuff and Nonsense" is the name of a song by an excellent band called Split Enz.